Arenal Valcano Zip Line - Costa Rica
Zipline Canopy tours are a can't miss adventure on your next trip to Costa Rica. Ask your Eco Preservation Travel coordinator about the safest and best Zipline Canopy Tours. For more information Explore Costa Rica.
Scarlet Macaws of Costa Rica
Scarlet Macaws are perhaps the most striking and colorful bird species of in the world. Scarlet Macaws are listed as endangered species and there are several conservation programs underway in Costa Rica. To learn more go to Explore Costa Rica.
Costa Rica Central Pacific Macaw Conservation & Rainforest Reforestation
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Eco Preservation Society is #1 in Environmental Social Media
The Eco Preservation Society, one of the true pioneers in the field of Environmental Social Media,has recently achieved #1 page rank in Google Search for the term “Environmental Social Media” . In fact (at the time of this writing) the Eco Preservation Society enjoys the top three ranked positions for Environmental Social Media
Ranked #1 is the Eco Preservation Society'sEnvironmental social media portal page.
Eco Preservation Society has a diverse Environemental Social Media PresenceRanked #2 is a recent article written by Eco Preservation Society president, Kevin Peterson: The Dummies Guide to Climate Science.
Ranked #3 is the link the the Eco Preservation Society's Environmental Social Media The Eco Preservation Society has the only Environmental Social Media Intership Program (Check back in 2011 for updates)
The Eco Preservation Society has long been recognized as among the most influential voices inEnvironmental Social Media has three of the top twenty most influential on ranking on (#2, #13 &19)
In October 2007, the Eco Preservation Society launched the first Environmental Social Media campaign, the Replanting the Rainforests Earth Day Campaign.
According to (@Klout), @EcoInteractive gets retweeted by so many people that their content touches nearly every network and @ecointeractive creates a tidal wave of responses, conversations and retweets with each update.
Eco Preservation Society founder, Kevin Peterson, was listed in the Top 100 Most Influential in social media Fast Company's Influence Project
Eco Preservation Society environmental social media presence can be found on FaceBook
Eco Preservation Society has the largest Environmental Social Media presence on Twitter with more than 350,000 followers on the accounts below and another 150,000 followers on several other accounts:Environmental Social Media combined with boots on the ground conservation and reforestation projects!/EcoInteractive!/EcoPreservation!/EcoActions!/Eco_Costa_Rica!/EPSClimate!/Eco_Energy_!/EcoExploration!/TheGreenHome!/Green_Realtors!/Carbon_Trade
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