EPS Osa: Carate Project Needs
EPS Osa: Carate Project Needs
EPS project partner, COTORCO, is funded solely through grants and donations. EPS Osa seeks to provide a sustainable support mechanism to expand the scope of the program on a year round basis. While the COTORCO project is also volunteer oriented, hatchery maintenance, equipment, and employee salaries are necessary expenses for the success of the project. For consistency of data and methods as well as safety during night patrols four locals are on staff. The nature of our location requires us to have gear that can support heavy rain, moisture, sunshine, and bugs. Due to the destructive nature of the rainforest/ocean and limited funding, it is necessary for our association to continuously be seeking out funding for our project. Sea turtle research requires special gear and materials to combat the wear and tear of the elements. COTORCO is a community-based project that has a small staff of 4 with the support of volunteer organizations.