EPS Technology

NationBuilder is a unique online community organizing system that brings together a comprehensive suite of tools that today's leaders and creators need to gather their tribes.   NationBuilder is a community organizing software platform that helps people organize and build community-based relationships.

At its core, NationBuilder is an approach to community organizing — to leadership — that’s centered on listening, feedback, actionable data, and individual empowerment. The design of the product and the company’s culture are both a direct result of this philosophy, and it underpins everything about the NationBuilder experience.

NationBuilder’s “community organizing system” is not just the product itself: it’s the pairing of the product with the philosophy. It’s what I call the “NationBuilder way” of community organizing, and it’s incredibly effective.

Specifically, NationBuilder is an intergrated set of tools on a single platform that provides membership managementdynamic websitesevents managementvolunteer enrollment , online donationscrowdfunding, rewards programsaffiliate marketingemail campaignssocial media support, and even text-based outreach.

More importantly, the system supports distributed structure accountability that supports our approach to the Holacracy Social Technology

Learn More: Click on the following links if you would like to learn more about Eco Preservation Society, or about the EPS NationBuilder Platform or the EPS Holacracy Management System.

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